Stop LTE Abuse at UW Madison Campus!
There are two referendums on the ballot for the ASM elections that will take place at UW Madison March 28-30. One of them would raise seg fees $192 a year starting next year. This would raise over $230 million dollars to rebuild Union South and renovated the Memorial Union as part of the “Wisconsin Union Facilities Improvement Plan”.
Over 150 LTE's work at the Wisconsin Unions. They make as little as $7.25 an hour, and are dispropotionatey people of color. Many of them have worked there for years. Many of them have second jobs to support a family. All of them are working for poverty wages without benefits or union rights.
The other referendum would require any unit of campus that receives seg fees pay all their workers a living wage. A living wage is defined at $110 of the federal poverty rate for a family of four, currently $10.28 an hour. This referendum would affect Limited Term Employees and student workers at the Wisconsin Unions and the Athletic Department. People working their way through school deserve a living wage, just like everyon else.
AFSCME Local 171 opposes the real building referendum and supports the living wage referendum. We don’t believe the Wisconsin Union should be rewarded for paying hundreds of people poverty wages, and we want to pass the living wage referendum because it’s wrong to reward work with poverty.
Can’t afford to go to school at the UW? You can always get an LTE job at the Memorial Union! The articles below have details about the two referendums and problem of LTE abuse on the campus of UW Madison